Sunday, July 18, 2010

A C.R.E.A.M. Soda That's Wu-Tang Approved

I've been listening to the new Big Boi album on steady rotation since I picked it up last week, but before that I was on a 90's Hip Hop bender. My roommate Aaron and I scour the Amoeba clearance bins and grab anything from Kris Kross to Craig Mack. One day I was thoroughly enjoying a Sprecher Cream Soda and spinning records when my fingers stopped on "C.R.E.A.M." by Wu-Tang. I was hella psyched. The End. Here's what I drank today...

Sprecher Cream Soda, Milwaukee WI
Sprecher taste like childhood to me. Like a big load of childhood sprayed all over my face and mouth. Sorry I had to it was too easy. Seriously though I love this cream soda, it's perfect in every way. Sprecher really knows how to balance the sweetness, acidity and carbonation right. Their sodas usually have a very spiced taste and this one is no different. I tasted cinnamon and either clove or allspice. If you love cream sodas and you haven't tried this one you are a failure, I am disappoint. That was my disappointed Asian father impression not a typo.
Cocktail Suggestions: Drink it by itself ya DumDum!
Crotch Grab Rating: 10/10 Grabs!

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