Friday, December 3, 2010

This Soda is Makin' Me Thirsty!

Fooooof! I've been gone waaaay too long, sorry guys. I've actually been trying to lay off of sugar and save some money in dental reconstruction. But then I made the mistake of falling asleep in the dentist's chair and that asswipe installed an extra row of teeth! So now I have these teeth that I need to get rid of somehow and I figured the tastiest way to do that is to go buy more soda.

DRY Rhubarb Soda, Seattle WA
I like my soda like I like my criticism, dry and unforgiving. So you could imagine the zeal that overtook me as I came upon the section of Galco's designated for dry sodas. Rows on rows of odd and questionably flavored quaffs. Having been a long time lover of mama's rhubarb pies I immediately grabbed this little guy. I was taken back at how precisely DRY had captured the essence of Rhubarb. It's very acidic, almost citrusy and very deep with just the right amount of sugar. The best part of DRY Rhubarb is that it doesn't leave a strong aftertaste, making it very refreshing. It cleanses the palette, so it's almost like you are starting from scratch after every sip.
Cocktail Suggestions: Currant Vodka, Whiskey
Crotch Grabs From the King of Pop: 8/10